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You talk about the IPweb service to subscribers or friends
They go to the site using your link and register on the site
They start promoting their websites, social networks or earn money on surfing
Referrals are users who have created an IPweb account using your personal link
$ 0.52 - if the referral orders a promotion for $ 5.15
$ 5.15 - extra when the referral spends $ 103.09
Thus, you can get rewards for one advertiser up to $ 5.67.
If a referral uses IPweb to earn money, you get a percentage of his earnings
7% - from all earnings of 1st level referrals
2% - from all earnings of 2nd level referrals
We recommend using a referral link to our promo site
You can easily launch an advertising campaign on it and pay for it right away.
So you will quickly get an active referral and a reward for his investment.
Use the link to the page for earning, where users can quickly register and start completing paid tasks, and you will receive a percentage of their earnings.
To attract any users, you can place a referral link to our site:
You can also attract referrals through our Telegram bot.
It is suitable for both advertisers and performers.
Place ready-made IPweb banners on your site with an already built-in referral link.
Just copy the banner code and paste it into the website code. The picture will load automatically.